What Constituits Proof For Atheists?

What if you were whisked into the heavens at lightening speed (a dream of some sort…) and found yourself at the pearly gates (optical illusion) which were wide open and St Peter standing just inside that open gate with a big ol “Welcome” sign (“was the sign meant for me?”)and he points to you and says “Are you the one looking for proof and evidence of God Almighty”? Atheist sticks chest out and proclaims “yeaaaah,that’s me”. St Peter continues “…if you are given proof of God will you cease the blasphemy and mockery?”
“Oh yes,guy with the harp, I sure will. You can count on it.”
St Peter only gives the atheist a knowing glance…..
St Peter accompanies the atheist to an area that is devoid of all people,animal,plant and tree. Nothing but open space. St Peter leaves him alone with his thoughts. The atheist feels a tap on his shoulder but is told not to turn around. Suddenly,a bright flash of light and before the unbeliever a mannish figure appears in the highest point of the wide open nothingness (it’s an optical illusion) and the figure nestled in the distance states “I am He that you seek” (that could be anybodies voice).The figure then waved His hand over the sky and thousands of stars began to twinkle (That’s a parlor trick….or another optical illusion. There is a natural explanation for it….somewhere)
The atheist then feels a tap on his shoulder again (that’s who was talking to me not that thing in the sky) but this time the voice directs him to sit down and look into the distance. The man sees a copy of himself sitting in a bar flirting with his secretary.(nobody knew about that,but that doesn’t mean it’s God.).

It then places the mans copy at a hospital. He is standing over the frail lifeless body of his mother.

“Why did you take her from me?” the copy says as he looks into the sky.

The atheist realizes “if this is God maybe He can tell me why”

“Hey God,why DID you take my mother from me? And why do you allow so much pain and suffering in the world?” The atheist spoke with unwarranted arrogance

God looks at him with fiery but caring eyes and replies “Why should I tell you?”

There is nothing but silence from the atheist.

“What have you done to deserve knowing the answers that you seek?” 

“Your life has been a sham! You claimed to be logical but were illogical. You claim superiority but have no walking around sense PLUS you spit in my face with your mockery! You havent earned the right to ask me anything!!”

The atheist had little to say. This person claiming to be God was right but isn’t God supposed to be all-loving? If that’s true God should love me and forgive me no matter what.

“Hey God you’re supposed to forgive me for the bad stuff!! Whats the deal with all THAT?”

The atheist then facepalms himself and says “Why have I been talking to someone I don’t believe in?”

“There is still no PROOF for God anywhere.”

I have asked so many atheists what would be enough to convince them of God? It saddens me and at the same time surprises me not to get the response “It wouldn’t matter if there WAS proof for God because I STILL wouldn’t believe in Him!!”

Why do i get that answer SO often? It occurs to me that the few atheists that tell me “all atheists would change their minds about God if there was concrete proof of His existence.” which isn’t correct anyway because nobody can claim what another person will do because they share the same belief (yep,I said belief),but that aside,the responses i have gotten lead me to believe the bulk of atheists (especially new age atheists) are not concerned with finding proof for God but rather finding new ways to “think” God away. Sadly,these people admit to hating God and some make such derogatory comments that I would never repeat or reprint them. Obviously,the atheists in this group are trying to get out of being held accountable for their actions. They wish to live like hell with no consequences for their actions. In a way I can understand them wanting this worldview to be right and accurate,or as some say the “enlightened” worldview. For them to be so enlightened I can’t imagine anyone more in the dark.

it’s an optical illusion

that could be anybodies voice

That’s a parlor trick….or another optical illusion. There is a natural explanation for it….somewhere


  1. “St Peter continues “…if you are given proof of God will you cease the blasphemy and mockery?””

    Not necessarily.

    First give me evidence for your god.

    Then I will learn what I can about your god to determine if he/she/it deserves my respect.


    1. Yes,if you continue reading you will see that comment was made in jest. I wouldn’t think any atheist would have respect for God just because it’s a nice thing to do. Noooo, of course not.


  2. NotAScientist, why do you think you get to bypass the proscription that God has given us. First, you must believe, then exercise faith, and then in due time, God will reveal himself to you.

    Do you know what happens to those who demand a sign without faith? They eventually do receive a sign, but it is always to their condemnation.

    Or do you think you have some power over God, that you get to set the terms of the relationship?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “First, you must believe, then exercise faith, and then in due time, God will reveal himself to you.”

      That is the worst way to determine truth I’ve ever heard.


      1. Not really. Many atheists tell me they know that science will “one day” have the answers. It’s not much different than that. One puts “faith” in the hope that science will figure it out just because science has figured out quite a lot about some things but by no means on everything. In fact,the real big questions remain just that. Questions! So it’s really not fair to say Johnathans way of determining truth is any different than yours.


  3. “I have asked so many atheists what would be enough to convince them of God? It saddens me and at the same time surprises me not to get the response “It wouldn’t matter if there WAS proof for God because I STILL wouldn’t believe in Him!!””

    That’s peculiar because I’ve never ever ever ever ever heard any atheist say any such thing. So do you have some quotes or some video clips of atheists saying this? You may find tons of quotes and clips of atheists saying that X Y and Z wouldn’t be sufficient to believe for them, even though you think it would be personally sufficient to you. You may find tons of quotes and videos of atheists saying that even if they had proof of God, they would not necessarily worship him, because that is an entirely separate question, but they would surely believe in his existence. But never have I heard any atheists say that they wouldn’t believe in God even if God was proven to them. And it’s clear that you’ve confused the two in your question “If you are given proof of God will you cease the blasphemy and mockery?” Again, a godly being would never ask such a nonsensical question where the outcome absolutely doesn’t follow the premise. As I said: If I was given proof, I would believe. What would convince us is a clear, non-contradictory, coherent definition, and a demonstration of a manifesting being that matches this definition. Done. That’s all it takes. Then comes the question of this god’s character and morality, afterwards.

    “Your life has been a sham! You claimed to be logical but were illogical.”

    No, God would never ever say that. If a god exists as defined, then God knows for an absolute fact (better than you) what is going on inside my head; namely that I have been logical and honest to the evidence. He knows that it is not reasonable to ask me to believe on the basis of the flawed logical arguments and the utter lack of any evidence to back up their premises. If a god actually exists, then he knows this. Now, he can choose to be a monster and not care and choose to burn me in hell even though I’ve been honest and reasonable and searching for the evidence. But one thing he absolutely can’t tell me is that I have been illogical or honest or hateful. I know that God knows this, because unlike you, I know what is going on inside my own head. And it’s nothing like what you think.


    1. I haven’t confused anything. I report what was said to me. If the person in question meant something different I presume they would have illuminated that. Perhaps, the person talking to me just did not think enough about their answer or simply did not care. In the heated debate sometimes clarity is wanting .
      Of course, it could just be that we are using two definitions of “believe in”.
      Sure I’ve got hundreds and hundreds of comments saved that were made to me over the years . Don’t you??


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